

About the project

  • For whom?
    18+ participants of all genders. Average age of our participants is from 25 to 50 years old.
  • Fully online
    We work side-be-side for 16 weeks in a row, interacting on a daily basis. That’s practically coaching.
  • It's all about food
    Your aim can be either to lose fat or to gain muscle mass. There is another option — reverse dieting to increase calories intake.
  • Do I have to work out?
    You can either do sports on your choice or use our workout plans for gym, home or outdoors. You can do without, but sports will allow you to become athletic. 
  • What will I need to participate?
    FatSecret application in your smartphone, kitchen scales and bathroom scales.
  • Personalized experience
    You will have your personal space to communicate with your mentor. Each day you report, we check it. Every week we check your progress: weight, measurements and make adjustments if necessary.

What will you get in 16 weeks?

learn to count calories, proteins, fats and carbs and discover that it takes 5−10 minutes a day and how it can be applied to everyday life and special events.
acquire and integrate new eating habits into your life to hold the result as long as you possible without disruptions and rollbacks.
At the very least you will change your size, at the most — get in your best shape ever.
Learn what products are not to be afraid of (none),  and which one to be avoided (few of them, but still)
Free yourself from fitness nonsense and learn to maintain excellent shape all year round without suffering, deprivation and spending on magic techniques, courses and pills
Get action plan for further independent work
The course is fully online: you will be added to a private group and have your personal space to interact with your mentor. During 16 weeks you will report to him/her on a daily basis and get feedback and support.
What else?
Over 100 scientifically based lectures about nutrition and training
During 16 weeks you will be receiving over 100 constantly updated materials on nutrition and training will put everything in places in your head. You have probably seen some of them on open sources, but most materials are not available for general audience and serves to pump the brains of those who is in the project.
Indivudual instructions and mentors is a fish and the materials you'll have - a fishing rod. Read and apprehend — and you'll get into your best shape and get free of any stereotypes.
Webinars and participants' chat
Once a month I hold webinaks on key and challeging topics, where you can get answers to all your questions. We also have a private chat for participants: there you always can find support, ask a question and have fun with other participant. 
New habits for better health and shape
Step by step embedding key habits into your lifestyle will ensure long-term results on your body and yor life.You will find yourself in a situation where you are surrounded by pouple united by similar goals and you cannot but act. It is impossible to live without results.
Motivation by personal mentor
If the network does not motivate you, that'll do the mentor who expects you report daily and your result each week.
Результаты участников Физикла
Предоставляя свои персональные данные, вы соглашаетесь на их обработку в соответствии с нашей Политикой конфиденциальности.