
TheWeb platforms , are not a registered healthcare or educational establishment. It is not authorized to issue any certificates or licenses. It is not engaged in any clinical or other medical practices. All materials published on the website or are protected by Intellectual Property Law. A consultation by a respective healthcare professional should be sought before implementation of received recommendations.

Terms of Use

1. Terminology and definitions of this Offer

In this Offer, unless otherwise stipulated by the context, the following terms shall have the following meanings and form an integral part of this Offer:

“Offer” — present agreement, which serves as a public offer by the Contractor to any individual, related to conclusion of services agreement (hereinafter Agreement) on terms stipulated in this Offer inclusive of all its addendums.

“Customer” — any individual who has accepted this Offer on conditions outlined below and by means of registration on the Platform, provided the Contractor with his personal data to be used by the Contractor for the purposes of Customer identification and provision of services.

“Contractor” — Physical IQ FZE LLC, Registration Number 4029, Address A-5803-Flamingo Villas, Ajman, UAE, represented by the Manager Roman Mamonov.

“Platform” — designated virtual space (software system) for the purposes of distance learning located at

“Platform Management” — persons engaged in direct rendering of services at courses related to dieting, individual exercise programs, tailor-made meal plans and resistance training.

“Services” — provision of information in the form of an educational program with regards to available meal plans, customized training programs, tailor-made meal plans and resistance training.

“Acceptance” — full and unconditional acceptance of all provisions of this Offer by the Customer, which is acknowledged by payment for services rendered.

“Seasons” — virtual groups on the Platform, managed by the Contractor, that the Customer is able to join by virtue of his member account.

“Content of the Season” — informational materials, owned by the Platform Management, published by the Contractor, Platform Management during the course of the Season, namely: copyright training programs and meal plans, video recordings (including recorded training sessions), articles and images, as well as any other materials published during the course of the Season with the purpose of provision of services.

“Personal account” — Customer’s account profile on the Platform, which becomes accessible by the Customer after completion of registration on the website

2. General provisions

2.1. As per Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (herein referred to as CC of the RF) this document shall be treated as a public offer agreement constituted for individuals and upon the acceptance of provisions set forth hereinafter the individual shall pay for services rendered in accordance with the terms outlined in this offer. As per paragraph 3 of article 438 of CC of the RF the execution of the payment transaction is regarded as an acceptance of the offer by the Customer, which shall be treated as a conclusion of the services agreement on conditions stipulated in this Offer, on the Platform and in the Personal account.

2.2. The Customer and the Contractor vouch for their legal capacity and capacity to act, as well as for all rights and power needed and sufficient to conclude and execute the Service Agreement.

2.3. By executing the payment transaction the Customer acknowledges the complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this offer (acceptance without provision), as well as conditions stipulated on the Platform and in the Personal account.

2.4. The dealings between the Contractor and the Customer shall be governed by the provisions of the CC of the RF (on retail sales, on provision of services), the Law of the Russian Federation as of 07.02.1992 № 2300-1 “Consumer rights protection”, Government Regulations of the Russian Federation as of 27.09.2007 # 612 “On approval of rules for the remote sale of goods” and other relevant provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.5. The Contractor retains the right to make amendments to the Offer and the Customer agrees to self monitor the changes in the Offer provided on the website

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. The Contractor agrees to render services by means of educational courses addressing meal plans, customized training programs, tailor-made meal plans and resistance training, and the Customer agrees to accept services and execute the payment on conditions stipulated in this agreement either fully for the complete season or on a monthly basis. As per the Customer’s request the Contractor may render services on introduction to all or particular programs.

4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

4.1. The Contractor is obliged to:

4.1.1. From the moment of the signing of the Agreement to fulfill obligations to the Customer on conditions stipulated in this offer and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The Contractor has the right:

4.2.1. To change prices for the services listed on the website, but unpaid for by the Customer; the conditions of payment for services; service methods and service delivery period; as well as other conditions stipulated in this Offer, on the Platform or in the Personal Account.

4.2.2. Without the Customer's consent to transfer his contractual rights and obligations under the existing agreement to a third party.

4.2.3. To block the Customer and/or discontinue the Customer’s access to the Platform and the Personal Account without a refund in case of breach of conduct while receiving services under the Agreement, including the insult of the Contractor, Platform Management, other participants, inciting ethnic conflicts, spam, profanities, general appeal to distrust directed at the Contractor, Platform Management.

4.2.4. Unilaterally without the Customer’s consent to introduce changes and amendments to the offer.

4.3. The Customer is obliged:

4.3.1. Before the execution of payment transactions to familiarize himself with the terms and conditions outlined in this offer, stated on the Platform, in the Personal account, including the service priсes.

4.3.2. To provide the personal data, required for the Customer identification and sufficient for the conclusion of the Agreement with the Contractor and pertinent provision of services.

4.3.3. To pay for services on conditions stipulated in this Offer and in accordance with conditions outlined on the Platform, in the Personal account.

4.3.4. To abide by the terms stipulated in this Offer, on the Platform and in the Personal Account.

4.3.5. Not to reproduce, copy, distribute or otherwise use the information obtained during the Season for any purposes whatsoever with the exception of personal use in the furtherance of the goal of the Agreement.

4.3.6. Not to undertake any actions designed to publish any irrelevant, meaningless or promotional information in the Season, as well any illegal, discrediting or threatening statements inclusive of those conflicting with the laws of the Russian Federation.

4.3.7. Not to entrust the third parties with login and password for the account on the Platform that are used for the purposes of participation in the Season, and strive to guarantee the secrecy of the aforementioned login and password.

4.3.8. Not to undertake any actions related to campaigning and instigation of other participants of the Season with the purpose of advertising other products or services in competition with the Contractor, Platform Management, not to post any information in the Season that in any way discredits the Contractor, Platform Management.

4.3.9. To provide the Contractor with the valid information required for the conclusion of the Agreement, as well as for the prompt communication with the Customer.

4.3.10. To monitor the changes in the Offer at his own discretion.

5. Handling procedures for service access

5.1. The Customer shall place an order for services by filling out the electronic form on the website and By filling out the electronic form on the aforementioned website the Customer acknowledges that he has read the terms and conditions of the Offer and shall provide the Contractor with the relevant information required for the proper rendering of services, which may also be requested on the Platform or in the Private Account.

5.2. After the execution of payment transactions the Contractor shall provide the Customer via agreed upon means of communication with the login and password for the Personal Account uploaded to the Platform.

5.3. The Contractor shall notify the Customer to this effect by any means available to both parties no later than 2 (two) calendar days prior to the anticipated date of commencement of services.

6. Statement of work

6.1. By accepting the Offer, the Customer confirms his consent and authorizes the Contractor (the Operator) to process his personal data including last name, first name, patronymic name; address, telephone number for the purposes of communication with the Contractor; email address; photographed/videotaped results; other data provided on the Platform and in the Personal Account.

6.2. Personal data processing constitutes collection of the aforementioned data; their systematization, accumulation, storage, rectification (update, modification); usage, dissemination (including distribution within the Russian Federation and distribution overseas); depersonalization, blockage; destruction.

6.3. The Operator is entitled to disclose Customer’s personal data to the Platform Management in order to render services.

6.4. The Customer shall express his consent and authorize the Operator and The Platform Management to process his personal data via the database processing system, as well as other software and hardware as per the Personal data processing policy published on and on the Internet.

6.5. The Operator is entitled to unilaterally determine the Customer’s personal data processing tools.

6.6. The Customer shall consent to the disclosure of his personal data obtained by the Operator to the third parties with the purposes stipulated in this Offer, as required by the laws of the Russian Federation or for the performance of Contractor’s obligations to the Customer under the Service Agreement.

6.7. The Customer shall consent to the right of the Contractor or the Platform Management to directly liaise with him through various means of communication including but not limited to postal mailing, sms-messaging, email, telephone, Internet and others, subject to the third parties’ compliance with the law of the Russian Federation with regards to personal data protection.

6.8. In the event of Customer's personal data disclosure to the third parties the Contractor shall inform the entities coming into possession of the Customer's personal data that these data are deemed confidential and shall be used only for the agreed upon purposes and shall compel the third party to abide by this condition.

6.9. The Operator shall ensure confidentiality of the personal data provided by the Customer, their protection from unauthorized access, copying, distribution. The Customer is entitled at any moment to request his personal data inventory and/or demand to amend, delete his personal data by contacting the Operator by phone or by email and providing his first name, last name and delivery address.

6.10. The consent to personal data processing may be recalled by the Customer at any time by means of submitting the respective notification by email to the email address stipulated in the offer.

6.11. The Contractor, the Platform Management shall render services remotely via telecommunication network Internet by granting the Client with the access to indicated services via the Private Account located on the Platform.

The Client shall independently consume provided services at his own convenience during the paid period of performance of services.

The Client shall independently make decisions with regards to the application of information obtained during the performance of services.

6.12. The services shall include but are not limited to:

— granting access to the Contents of the Season;

— granting access to the materials of the Season for a period of 3 (three) consecutive months;

— continuous provision of consulting services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via online chats of the Season and other means of communication during the Season.

The number of Seasons shall be determined by the number of programs selected by the Client.

6.13. The Contractor shall not provide educational services of an official academic institution or issue any state-recognized certificates and credentials. The Contractor is not engaged in healthcare or any other medical practices. The Contractor shall not provide services of a fitness or aerobic center, nor provide personal trainer services.

6.14. The services shall be rendered within a period paid for by the Client.

The service access period is stipulated on the Platform, in the Personal account and is predetermined by the paid cost.

6.15. The services shall be considered rendered in full and accepted by the Client unless the Contractor receives written substantiated objections from the Client within 5 (five) days following the completion of provision of services. Upon the expiry of the indicated period the Client’s complaints with regards to unsatisfactory services inclusive of the amount (scope), quality and cost of services shall not be accepted.

6.16. The drawing up of the act of delivery and acceptance of rendered services is not applicable.

6.17. The Contractor has a right to renege on the provision of services without duly informing the Client to that effect if for three (3) consecutive weeks the Client fails to provide the Contractor, the Platform Management with the required information requested in the Personal Account. In such an event the Client shall be removed from the Season and the services shall be considered rendered in full and in line with quality requirements.

7. Terms of payment

7.1. All payments shall be made on a 100% advance payment basis by transfer of funds to the Contractor’s operating account.

7.2. The cost of services is calculated on the basis of the period and scope (number of programs) of services requested by the Client. Not applicable for VAT due to the simplified taxation system employed by the Contractor.

8. Cessation of services, refusal to provide services

8.1. The Client has a right to reject the provision of services by the Contractor at any time by sending the notice of rejection of services by email at In the event of rejection of services the Agreement shall be considered void as of the day following the receipt of the respective notification by the Contractor.

8.2. The refund of payment made by the Client shall be carried out under the following conditions and in the following order:

8.2.1. In the event of rejection of services before the commencement of services or within 7 (seven) days after the commencement of services the refund will be issued in full.

8.2.2. In the event of rejection of services after 7 (seven) days since the commencement of services the amount to be reimbursed shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis based on the actual number of days of services rendered.

8.3. The amount to be reimbursed shall reflect the Contractor’s costs related to the provision of services, which amount to 30% of costs paid by the Client and include the costs related to allocation of space on the platform and usage of the Personal account, payment for services of employed professionals. The Client has read and agreed to the amount to be reimbursed.

8.4. Payback period — 10 (ten) working days after the receipt of respective notification by the Contractor. The refund is processed using the details provided by the Client in the refund request.

9. Intellectual property

9.1. The Platform and the Season’s Content contain the intellectual property findings owned by the Platform Management.

9.2. By using the Platform and the Season’s Content the Client recognizes and agrees that all content of the Platform, the Season’s Content, the content structure of the Website are copyrighted and protected by other intellectual property laws, that the aforementioned rights are valid and protected regardless of the type, information carrier or technologies either currently employed or developed or created in the future.

No rights for any content of the Platform or the Season’s Content including but not limited to audiovisual media, written and graphic materials, application software shall be transferred to the Client as a result of the use of the Platform and the Season’s Content and the conclusion of the Agreement.

9.3. When citing the materials of the Platform and the Season’s Content unless expressly provided by the Platform, the Client shall enclose the reference to Platform 9.4. In the event of violation of the terms of the Agreement by the Client with regards to the copyright protection the Contractor has a right to demand compensation for all the losses incurred inclusive of the lost profit, as well as a fine of 5 000 000 rubles for each copyright infringement and infringement of other intellectual property rights.

10. Liability of the Parties

10.1. Neither party shall bear responsibility for partial or complete failure to complete the duties under the Agreement resulting from force majeure circumstances. The lack of free time on part of the Client for any reasons including but not limited to the lack of Internet access, trips, malfunctioning equipment, etc. shall not be regarded as force majeure circumstances.

10.2. The Contractor shall bear no responsibility for failure to render services for reasons beyond the Contractor’s control: Internet outage, Client’s software malfunction.

10.3. The Contractor’s aggregate liability under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount paid by the Client to the Contractor.

10.4. The information provided by the Contractor under the Agreement shall not be regarded as guaranteed results. The Client accepts full responsibility for the use of provided information and all risks related to it.

10.5. In case of failure to perform obligations or undue performance of obligations under the Agreement (the Contractor’s offer accepted by the Client) both Parties shall bear responsibility as set forth by the law of the Russian Federation.

10.6. All disputes related to the failure to perform obligations or undue performance of obligations under the Agreement shall be settled by the Parties by way of negotiations. The claims procedure for dispute resolution is mandatory for both Parties. The claim shall be reviewed within 10 (ten) days upon receipt of the claim by a Party.

10.7. Should the parties fail to come to an agreement through negotiation, all disputes shall be settled in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.8. In the event of violation of section 8 of the offer by the Client, at the Contractor’s request the Client will pay a penalty of 5 000 000 (five million) rubles for each act of copyright infringement. In addition the Contractor has a right to unilaterally terminate the Client’s access to the Season and the Personal account.

10.9. The provisions of Article 317.1 of CC of the Russian Federation shall not be applied to the Client/Contractor relationship.

11. Contractor’s account details:

Physical IQ FZE LLC

Registration Number 4029



Public Offer Agreement

1. Terminology and definitions of this Offer

In this Offer, unless otherwise stipulated by the context, the following terms shall have the following meanings and form an integral part of this Offer:

“Offer” — present agreement, which serves as a public offer by the Contractor to any individual, related to conclusion of services agreement (hereinafter Agreement) on terms stipulated in this Offer inclusive of all its addendums.

“Customer” — any individual who has accepted this Offer on conditions outlined below and by means of registration on the Platform, provided the Contractor with his personal data to be used by the Contractor for the purposes of Customer identification and provision of services.

“Contractor” — “PRODUCTION CENTER “PHYSICAL” (LLC), general state registration number 1225000001060, acting pursuant to the Charter, duly represented by its director Roman Grigorievich Mamonov

“Platform” — designated virtual space (software system) for the purposes of distance learning located at or

“Platform Management” — persons engaged in direct rendering of services at courses related to dieting, individual exercise programs, tailor-made meal plans and resistance training.

“Services” — provision of information in the form of an educational program with regards to available meal plans, customized training programs, tailor-made meal plans and resistance training.

“Acceptance” — full and unconditional acceptance of all provisions of this Offer by the Customer, which is acknowledged by payment for services rendered.

“Seasons” — virtual groups on the Platform, managed by the Contractor, that the Customer is able to join by virtue of his member account.

“Content of the Season” — informational materials, owned by the Platform Management, published by the Contractor, Platform Management during the course of the Season, namely: copyright training programs and meal plans, video recordings (including recorded training sessions), articles and images, as well as any other materials published during the course of the Season with the purpose of provision of services.

“Personal account” — Customer’s account profile on the Platform, which becomes accessible by the Customer after completion of registration on the website or

2. General provisions

2.1. As per Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (herein referred to as CC of the RF) this document shall be treated as a public offer agreement constituted for individuals and upon the acceptance of provisions set forth hereinafter the individual shall pay for services rendered in accordance with the terms outlined in this offer. As per paragraph 3 of article 438 of CC of the RF the execution of the payment transaction is regarded as an acceptance of the offer by the Customer, which shall be treated as a conclusion of the services agreement on conditions stipulated in this Offer, on the Platform and in the Personal account.

2.2. The Customer and the Contractor vouch for their legal capacity and capacity to act, as well as for all rights and power needed and sufficient to conclude and execute the Service Agreement.

2.3. By executing the payment transaction the Customer acknowledges the complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this offer (acceptance without provision), as well as conditions stipulated on the Platform and in the Personal account.

2.4. The dealings between the Contractor and the Customer shall be governed by the provisions of the CC of the RF (on retail sales, on provision of services), the Law of the Russian Federation as of 07.02.1992 № 2300-1 “Consumer rights protection”, Government Regulations of the Russian Federation as of 27.09.2007 # 612 “On approval of rules for the remote sale of goods” and other relevant provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.5. The Contractor retains the right to make amendments to the Offer and the Customer agrees to self monitor the changes in the Offer provided on the website

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. The Contractor agrees to render services by means of educational courses addressing meal plans, customized training programs, tailor-made meal plans and resistance training, and the Customer agrees to accept services and execute the payment on conditions stipulated in this agreement either fully for the complete season or on a monthly basis. As per the Customer’s request the Contractor may render services on introduction to all or particular programs.

4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

4.1. The Contractor is obliged to:

4.1.1. From the moment of the signing of the Agreement to fulfill obligations to the Customer on conditions stipulated in this offer and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The Contractor has the right:

4.2.1. To change prices for the services listed on the website or, but unpaid for by the Customer; the conditions of payment for services; service methods and service delivery period; as well as other conditions stipulated in this Offer, on the Platform or in the Personal Account.

4.2.2. Without the Customer's consent to transfer his contractual rights and obligations under the existing agreement to a third party.

4.2.3. To block the Customer and/or discontinue the Customer’s access to the Platform and the Personal Account without a refund in case of breach of conduct while receiving services under the Agreement, including the insult of the Contractor, Platform Management, other participants, inciting ethnic conflicts, spam, profanities, general appeal to distrust directed at the Contractor, Platform Management.

4.2.4. Unilaterally without the Customer’s consent to introduce changes and amendments to the offer.

4.3. The Customer is obliged:

4.3.1. Before the execution of payment transactions to familiarize himself with the terms and conditions outlined in this offer, stated on the Platform, in the Personal account, including the service priсes.

4.3.2. To provide the personal data, required for the Customer identification and sufficient for the conclusion of the Agreement with the Contractor and pertinent provision of services.

4.3.3. To pay for services on conditions stipulated in this Offer and in accordance with conditions outlined on the Platform, in the Personal account.

4.3.4. To abide by the terms stipulated in this Offer, on the Platform and in the Personal Account.

4.3.5. Not to reproduce, copy, distribute or otherwise use the information obtained during the Season for any purposes whatsoever with the exception of personal use in the furtherance of the goal of the Agreement.

4.3.6. Not to undertake any actions designed to publish any irrelevant, meaningless or promotional information in the Season, as well any illegal, discrediting or threatening statements inclusive of those conflicting with the laws of the Russian Federation.

4.3.7. Not to entrust the third parties with login and password for the account on the Platform that are used for the purposes of participation in the Season, and strive to guarantee the secrecy of the aforementioned login and password.

4.3.8. Not to undertake any actions related to campaigning and instigation of other participants of the Season with the purpose of advertising other products or services in competition with the Contractor, Platform Management, not to post any information in the Season that in any way discredits the Contractor, Platform Management.

4.3.9. To provide the Contractor with the valid information required for the conclusion of the Agreement, as well as for the prompt communication with the Customer.

4.3.10. To monitor the changes in the Offer at his own discretion.

5. Handling procedures for service access

5.1. The Customer shall place an order for services by filling out the electronic form on the website or By filling out the electronic form on the aforementioned website the Customer acknowledges that he has read the terms and conditions of the Offer and shall provide the Contractor with the relevant information required for the proper rendering of services, which may also be requested on the Platform or in the Private Account.

5.2. After the execution of payment transactions the Contractor shall provide the Customer via agreed upon means of communication with the login and password for the Personal Account uploaded to the Platform.

5.3. The Contractor shall notify the Customer to this effect by any means available to both parties no later than 2 (two) calendar days prior to the anticipated date of commencement of services.

6. Statement of work

6.1. By accepting the Offer, the Customer confirms his consent and authorizes the Contractor (the Operator) to process his personal data including last name, first name, patronymic name; address, telephone number for the purposes of communication with the Contractor; email address; photographed/videotaped results; other data provided on the Platform and in the Personal Account.

6.2. Personal data processing constitutes collection of the aforementioned data; their systematization, accumulation, storage, rectification (update, modification); usage, dissemination (including distribution within the Russian Federation and distribution overseas); depersonalization, blockage; destruction.

6.3. The Operator is entitled to disclose Customer’s personal data to the Platform Management in order to render services.

6.4. The Customer shall express his consent and authorize the Operator and The Platform Management to process his personal data via the database processing system, as well as other software and hardware as per the Personal data processing policy published on or on the Internet.

6.5. The Operator is entitled to unilaterally determine the Customer’s personal data processing tools.

6.6. The Customer shall consent to the disclosure of his personal data obtained by the Operator to the third parties with the purposes stipulated in this Offer, as required by the laws of the Russian Federation or for the performance of Contractor’s obligations to the Customer under the Service Agreement.

6.7. The Customer shall consent to the right of the Contractor or the Platform Management to directly liaise with him through various means of communication including but not limited to postal mailing, sms-messaging, email, telephone, Internet and others, subject to the third parties’ compliance with the law of the Russian Federation with regards to personal data protection.

6.8. In the event of Customer's personal data disclosure to the third parties the Contractor shall inform the entities coming into possession of the Customer's personal data that these data are deemed confidential and shall be used only for the agreed upon purposes and shall compel the third party to abide by this condition.

6.9. The Operator shall ensure confidentiality of the personal data provided by the Customer, their protection from unauthorized access, copying, distribution. The Customer is entitled at any moment to request his personal data inventory and/or demand to amend, delete his personal data by contacting the Operator by phone or by email and providing his first name, last name and delivery address.

6.10. The consent to personal data processing may be recalled by the Customer at any time by means of submitting the respective notification by email to the email address stipulated in the offer.

6.11. The Contractor, the Platform Management shall render services remotely via telecommunication network Internet by granting the Client with the access to indicated services via the Private Account located on the Platform.

The Client shall independently consume provided services at his own convenience during the paid period of performance of services.

The Client shall independently make decisions with regards to the application of information obtained during the performance of services.

6.12. The services shall include but are not limited to:

— granting access to the Contents of the Season;

— granting access to the materials of the Season for a period of 3 (three) consecutive months;

— continuous provision of consulting services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via online chats of the Season and other means of communication during the Season.

The number of Seasons shall be determined by the number of programs selected by the Client.

6.13. The Contractor shall not provide educational services of an official academic institution or issue any state-recognized certificates and credentials. The Contractor is not engaged in healthcare or any other medical practices. The Contractor shall not provide services of a fitness or aerobic center, nor provide personal trainer services.

6.14. The services shall be rendered within a period paid for by the Client.

The service access period is stipulated on the Platform, in the Personal account and is predetermined by the paid cost.

6.15. The services shall be considered rendered in full and accepted by the Client unless the Contractor receives written substantiated objections from the Client within 5 (five) days following the completion of provision of services. Upon the expiry of the indicated period the Client’s complaints with regards to unsatisfactory services inclusive of the amount (scope), quality and cost of services shall not be accepted.

6.16. The drawing up of the act of delivery and acceptance of rendered services is not applicable.

6.17. The Contractor has a right to renege on the provision of services without duly informing the Client to that effect if for three (3) consecutive weeks the Client fails to provide the Contractor, the Platform Management with the required information requested in the Personal Account. In such an event the Client shall be removed from the Season and the services shall be considered rendered in full and in line with quality requirements.

7. Terms of payment

7.1. All payments shall be made on a 100% advance payment basis by transfer of funds to the Contractor’s operating account.

7.2. The cost of services is calculated on the basis of the period and scope (number of programs) of services requested by the Client. Not applicable for VAT due to the simplified taxation system employed by the Contractor.

8. Cessation of services, refusal to provide services

8.1. The Client has a right to reject the provision of services by the Contractor at any time by sending the notice of rejection of services by email at In the event of rejection of services the Agreement shall be considered void as of the day following the receipt of the respective notification by the Contractor.

8.2. The refund of payment made by the Client shall be carried out under the following conditions and in the following order:

8.2.1. In the event of rejection of services before the commencement of services or within 7 (seven) days after the commencement of services the refund will be issued in full.

8.2.2. In the event of rejection of services after 7 (seven) days since the commencement of services the amount to be reimbursed shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis based on the actual number of days of services rendered.

8.3. The amount to be reimbursed shall reflect the Contractor’s costs related to the provision of services, which amount to 30% of costs paid by the Client and include the costs related to allocation of space on the platform and usage of the Personal account, payment for services of employed professionals. The Client has read and agreed to the amount to be reimbursed.

8.4. Payback period — 10 (ten) working days after the receipt of respective notification by the Contractor. The refund is processed using the details provided by the Client in the refund request.

9. Intellectual property

9.1. The Platform and the Season’s Content contain the intellectual property findings owned by the Platform Management.

9.2. By using the Platform and the Season’s Content the Client recognizes and agrees that all content of the Platform, the Season’s Content, the content structure of the Website are copyrighted and protected by other intellectual property laws, that the aforementioned rights are valid and protected regardless of the type, information carrier or technologies either currently employed or developed or created in the future.

No rights for any content of the Platform or the Season’s Content including but not limited to audiovisual media, written and graphic materials, application software shall be transferred to the Client as a result of the use of the Platform and the Season’s Content and the conclusion of the Agreement.

9.3. When citing the materials of the Platform and the Season’s Content unless expressly provided by the Platform, the Client shall enclose the reference to Platform 9.4. In the event of violation of the terms of the Agreement by the Client with regards to the copyright protection the Contractor has a right to demand compensation for all the losses incurred inclusive of the lost profit, as well as a fine of 5 000 000 rubles for each copyright infringement and infringement of other intellectual property rights.

10. Liability of the Parties

10.1. Neither party shall bear responsibility for partial or complete failure to complete the duties under the Agreement resulting from force majeure circumstances. The lack of free time on part of the Client for any reasons including but not limited to the lack of Internet access, trips, malfunctioning equipment, etc. shall not be regarded as force majeure circumstances.

10.2. The Contractor shall bear no responsibility for failure to render services for reasons beyond the Contractor’s control: Internet outage, Client’s software malfunction.

10.3. The Contractor’s aggregate liability under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount paid by the Client to the Contractor.

10.4. The information provided by the Contractor under the Agreement shall not be regarded as guaranteed results. The Client accepts full responsibility for the use of provided information and all risks related to it.

10.5. In case of failure to perform obligations or undue performance of obligations under the Agreement (the Contractor’s offer accepted by the Client) both Parties shall bear responsibility as set forth by the law of the Russian Federation.

10.6. All disputes related to the failure to perform obligations or undue performance of obligations under the Agreement shall be settled by the Parties by way of negotiations. The claims procedure for dispute resolution is mandatory for both Parties. The claim shall be reviewed within 10 (ten) days upon receipt of the claim by a Party.

10.7. Should the parties fail to come to an agreement through negotiation, all disputes shall be settled in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.8. In the event of violation of section 8 of the offer by the Client, at the Contractor’s request the Client will pay a penalty of 5 000 000 (five million) rubles for each act of copyright infringement. In addition the Contractor has a right to unilaterally terminate the Client’s access to the Season and the Personal account.

10.9. The provisions of Article 317.1 of CC of the Russian Federation shall not be applied to the Client/Contractor relationship.

11. Contractor’s account details:

Physical IQ FZE LLC

Registration Number 4029


Website: ,